Elk Mound Seed 308 Railroad Street Elk Mound, WI 54739

(715) 879-5556

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tractor spraying fertilizer chemicals in a field

Fertilizer and Chemicals



Pelletized Lime - 50#

Pelletized Lime - 50#

Regular price $8.99
Regular price $8.99 Sale price $8.99
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46-0-0 Urea Fertilizer

46-0-0 Urea Fertilizer

Greens up lawn quicklyKnown as urea

Regular price $39.99
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Fertilizer and Chemicals

Crossbow Herbicide - 1 Gallon

Crossbow Herbicide - 1 Gallon

Crossbow specialty herbicide is recommended for control of most species of unwanted woody plants, as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, growing on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides, other non-crop areas, and industrial sites Concentrated Mixing Instructions: 2-4 quarts per acre (1.45-2.9 ounces per 1,000 square feet). For spot spray applications: 2-3 ounces per gallon of water. Active Ingredient - 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester - 34.4% Controls most types of undesirable trees, such as ash, sumac and other woody plants as well as briars, poison ivy, thistles and most types of broadleaf weeds. Also known to control kudzu and bamboo with subsequent applications. MSDS Sheet  Label Sheet  KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED Alder Amaranth, spiny Ash Beech Bindweed, field Birch Black locust Blackberry Blueweed Boneset Buckbrush Buttercup, annual Buttercup, tall Carrot, wild Cascara Cherry (except black) Chickweed, mouse ear Chicory Cinquefoil Clover, white Common Common persimmon Cottonwood Dandelion Dock, curly Dogfennel Dogwood ElderberryElm Fleabane, annual Galinsoga, hairy Goatsbeard Goldenrod Hawthorn Hazel Henbit Honeylocust Honeysuckle Horsenettle Horseweed, (marestail) Ironweed, western Ivy, ground Kochia Kudzu Lambsquarters Lespedeza Maples (except bigleaf and vine) Marshelder Milkweed Multiflora rose Mustard, wild Oxalis Pennycress, field Pepperweed, field Pigweed, redroot Pine Plantain, broadleaf Plantain, narrow-leaf Poison ivy Poison oak Pokeweed Purslane, annual Ragweed, common Russian olive Salmonberry Sassafras (top growth) Scotch broom Sesbania, hemp Sneezeweed, bitter Sowthistle, annual Sowthistle, perennial Spurge, leafy Spurge, thyme-leaf Sumac Sunflower Sweetgum Sycamore Tamarack Thistle, Canada Thistle, Russian Thistle, bull Thistle, musk (nodding) Trumpetcreeper Vetch Violet, wild Virginia creeper Wax myrtle (top growth) White oak Wild grape Willow Wormwood, biennial Yarrow Yellow rocket

Regular price $65.00
Regular price $65.00 Sale price $65.00
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Blood Meal

Blood Meal

Good source of nitrogen DO NOT use with legumes or seedlings Too much can burn young plants

Regular price $69.99
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Fertilizer and Chemicals

Remedy® Ultra Herbicide

Remedy® Ultra Herbicide

Remedy Ultra Herbicide is an oil soluble herbicide that controls woody and broadleaf weeds in many outdoor residential and commercial areas, from rangeland to non-irrigation ditch banks. Using triclopyr, this product can be applied through a variety of different methods: foliar sprays, basal bark, cut stump applications, even through aerial broadcast. Just follow the directions below and the pests on your property will soon be gone. To protect crops and other desirable plants, make sure to follow all of the precautions and directions on the product label. Controlling for more than 35 different species of brush weeds, Remedy Ultra Herbicide works great on established grass, destroying the weeds while improving the growth of the grass, so long as it is properly watered. Do not apply more than 1/2 gallons per acre during a growing season on areas where animals graze. On non-grazing land, up to 8 quarts of Remedy Ultra can be applied per acre per year. Triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester 60.45% Target Pests - Woody plants and broadleaf weeds For use in commercial areas, rangeland, grass pastures, CRP areas, including fence rows and  non-irrigation ditch banks Application:Foliar: Only apply to plants that are in full leaf during applicationBasal Bark: 20 to 30 gallons with oil to make 100 gallons and spray plant and tree trunks 12 to 15 inches from the ground until fully wetCut Stump: 20 to 30 gallons with oil to make 100 gallons and spray the root collar area, sides of the stump and the outer portion of the cut surface until fully wet To ensure prompt shipment, please call us at 715-879-5556 after placing your order.

Regular price $109.99
Regular price $0.00 Sale price $109.99
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Fertilizer and Chemicals

Tenkoz LV4 2,4-D - 1 Gallon

Regular price $59.99
Regular price $59.99 Sale price $59.99
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