Fertilizer and Chemicals

Vessel Broadleaf Herbicide
Vessel 3 Way Herbicide is a broad spectrum post emergence broadleaf herbicide containing Trimec. Vessel can be used on warm and cool season turf grasses. vessel works great for broadleaf control in turf, residential and ornamental sites.
Fertilizer and Chemicals

StockPlex Water Treatment
Stock PlexAlgae Control in Lakes, Reservoirs, Swimming areas, Canals, Ditches, Laterals, Livestock Water storage & other water holding tanksStock Plex is designed to keep your watering tanks free of algae and weeds. Stock Plex can be used to prevent algae or to clean existing algae. Stock Plex is a copper sulfate based blend safe for many animals like cattle, horses, and dogs. Minimum retreatment interval is 14 days Kills and prevents algae growth 1/4 ounce treats 250 gallons of water Active ingredient copper sulfate Do not use in sheep watering tanks