RC Big Rock Switchgrass Seed (Panicum virgatum)
RC Big Rock is a new late season variety of upland switchgrass developed from Cave-in-rock. Its distinct traits are a very tall height and high yield potential. RC Big Rock was genetically improved for upright growth habit and increased height. Its tall height provides a high-quality habitat for deer. It is a late-season switchgrass with approximately 9 days later maturity than Cave-in-rock. RC Big Rock is a large, seeded variety selected for reduced seed dormancy, increased seed weight and increased seedling vigor. It is an excellent food source for pheasants and quail. It has noteworthy winter hardiness for a late season variety. It grows well on diverse soil types and has a wide regional adaptation to the mid-west and northeast regions. It is well suited for forage, biomass, soil conservation and wildlife habitat applications.
name: Panicum virgatum
perennial grass that is native to North America.
best in areas that receive at least 30 inches of rainfall per year
to 6-8 feet in height.
be distinguished from other native grasses by the dense patch of hairs at the
point where the leaf blade attaches to the sheath.
turns a beautiful yellow in the fall.
be planted on a highly erodible sites and field borders.
258,800 seeds/lb
Range: May 1-June 1 or fall seeding