Animal feed

Trophy Rock
Trophy Rock is an all-natural mineral supplement to provide deer with the electrolytes and trace minerals they need for optimum health. How do I use it? Placing Trophy Rock in staging areas or near bedding areas usually works best. We recommend placing Trophy Rock on a stump or another flat rock keeping it up off the ground. It will last much longer in the field if you avoid mud puddles. We have also found deer to be much more relaxed at mineral sites when Trophy Rock is elevated so they can lick on it in less of a defensive posture.

Pelletized Lime - 50#

MonsterBuck Food Plot Soybeans | Roundup Ready
MonsterBuck's Roundup Ready food plot soybeans are a relatively easy crop to grow that whitetail deer can't resist. Our roundup ready food plot soybeans are a more affordable option than the Eagle Soybeans and will provide early season browse with its foliage and they will also provide grain for the late-season. It is important to make sure your food plots are large enough to handle heavy browsing pressure. These can be sprayed with Roundup or Glyphosate to control weeds. 140,000 seeds/bag Plant 1 bag to the acre Annual grain. Planting Depth: 1-2" deep. Plant once soil temperatures are above 55 degrees.

6-24-24 Fertilizer
An excellent option for fertilizing legume-based food plots. Contains 6% Nitrogen, 24% Phosphorous and 24% Potassium Excellent potassium and phosphorus source Practical use for food plots and gardens Application rate: 5-8lbs/1,000 square feet