PIP 721 Soft Red Winter Wheat 50lb

4010 Peas & Oats
60% Oats 40% Peas Drill approximately 3/4″ deep and seed at 120-150 lbs/acre (less if underseeding legumes). Plan on harvesting 50-60 days after planting. Harvesting when small grain is at the boot stage will provide the best quality. Waiting until milk stage will improve tonnage but decrease quality. Seed as soon as fields are ready to be worked A great mix to under seed with alfalfa This mix is made with the most disease resistant oats and 4010 field peas The tonnage yields and protein are much larger than small grain alternatives
Farm seed

Certified MN Torgy Hard Red Spring Wheat
Great baking quality Medium test weight and excellent grain protein Great straw strength Excellent disease resistance Medium maturity Plant averages 30″ in height Seed at 120 lbs/acre

Cow Pea Seed
A warm season legume, builds N Good weed-smothering capabilities Attracts beneficial insects (ie honeybees) A good protein source if used for feed Seed at 30-90 lbs/acre
Cover Crops

KWS Progas Hybrid Winter Rye
KWS Progas is a hybrid rye variety that was bred specifically for forage. An excellent silage variety with tremendous forage quality and yields. Hybrid for grazing and silage Very high whole crop yields Very good disease resistance Excellent forage quality TECH SHEET This product requires a signed license agreement prior to shipping - SIGN HERE