Deer and Rabbit Repellent
Through university studies, Natures Mace identified which ingredients worked best at repelling deer and rabbits. They then included more of those key ingredients into one formula to make, what they believe to be, the strongest deer and rabbit repellent on the market. It includes more of what really works. It incorporates a unique 3-pronged approach, by combining fear, scent, and taste-based technology into one ultimate product. With Deer and Rabbit MACE, there is no need for product rotation. The repellent goes to work fast and is long-lasting. It contains proprietary sticking agents that make it weather resistant. It binds to plants and will not easily wash off. It works to prevent deer rubbings, which can severely damage and kill plants.
Nature’s MACE Deer and Rabbit Repellent is made with proven ingredients and is safe for use around family, pets, and wildlife (when used as directed). Our deer deterrents provide for year-round deer and rabbit control. They are trusted by professional growers, farmers, nurseries, landscapers, backyard gardeners, and commercial applicators. You’ve invested time and money into building the perfect landscape. Cherish it and protect your plants with a deer deterrent proven to contain the best technology on the market. Save time and money with the perfect at-home DIY Deer Repellent Solution.
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