Redmond Salt 50#
Farm seed
Stutsman Soybean - 0.7 RM
0.7 Maturity Very high yielding conventional soybean Resistant to race 3 Phytophthora root rot Purple flower, gray pubescence, brown pods, yellow hila Sold in 60# packages
Tuscan Vine Suet Feeder
Double Suet Feeder
EMS Fleece Lined Stocking Hat - Black
Farm seed
Certified MN Torgy Hard Red Spring Wheat
Great baking quality Medium test weight and excellent grain protein Great straw strength Excellent disease resistance Medium maturity Plant averages 30″ in height Seed at 120 lbs/acre
Spring Wheat Seed - 5 lb
Fully mature by mid-late summer Non-GMO seed Planting Depth: 1-2" Plating Range: April
Farm seed
White Dutch Clover Seed
White Dutch Clover is a long-living perennial clover that can grow as much as 6" tall. White Dutch clover is a perfect companion with other low-growing species for planting along roads, along trails, and on logging roads. Once established, White Dutch Clover stands can last several years if properly managed. Our high-quality White Dutch Clover seed is not coated. White Dutch clover is a preferred forage by wildlife and is very beneficial to pollinators. Plant at 1/4" into a firm seedbed Plant early spring to mid-fall Can also be frost seeded
Farm seed
Chippewa Red Clover Seed
Extremely winter hardy kind. Canadian grown seed. Extremely winter hardy kind Canadian grown seed Establishes early as an aggressive starter Perennial Red Clover (Double Cut) An Elk Mound Seed exclusive kind
Fertilizer and Chemicals
Vessel Broadleaf Herbicide
Vessel 3 Way Herbicide is a broad spectrum post emergence broadleaf herbicide containing Trimec. Vessel can be used on warm and cool season turf grasses. vessel works great for broadleaf control in turf, residential and ornamental sites.
WI DOT #20
WI DOT #20 - General Roadside Sandy 40% Tall Fescue 30% Perennial Ryegrass 24% Hard Fescue 6% Kentucky Bluegrass
Farm seed
MegaLeaf Alfalfa Seed
Great multifoliate leaf expression, ranging from 75-84%. Fall dormancy rating of 2.7, Winter Survival 2.0. Perfect 30/30 rating on the DRI test. Great multifoliate leaf expression, ranging from 75-84% Fall dormancy rating of 2.7, Winter Survival 2.0 Perfect 30/30 rating on the DRI test inoculated seed
Salted In-Shell Peanuts
Ornamental Corn Bundle