Pierre Sideoats Grama Seed (Bouteloua curtipendula)
Sideoats Grama is long-lived and warm-season grass. This seed is sold as pure live seed (PLS). Pure live seed is the percentage of pure and viable seed in a given lot.
- Scientific name: Bouteloua curtipendula
- Sideoats Grama is long-lived and warm-season grass.
- Works well to mix with a cool season grass.
- It has short, scaly rhizomes. Usually it makes a bunch-type growth and can form a dense sod.
- The flowering stocks are 2-3 feet tall. The leaves are about 10-12 inches long and nearly 1/4 inch wide. The seed-head consists of a large number of oat-like seeds set on one side of the stem, which is about 6-12 inches long.
- The root system is fairly deep and well branched; thus the plants can effectively utilize all available moisture.
- Longevity: Perennial.
Pierre grows on well-drained uplands, shallow ridges, and rocky areas and may be planted on soils ranging from deep to shallow. It was selected for its overall vigor, leafiness, and freedom from disease in a cold, semiarid environment. It has excellent seedling vigor and will persist and provide erosion cover in areas with annual precipitation of 14 to 16 inches.
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