Elk Mound Seed 308 Railroad Street Elk Mound, WI 54739

(715) 879-5556

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Spring Lawn Cleanup

Spring Lawn Cleanup


As the snow piles clear and the sunshine makes its way to your overwintering lawn, it becomes time to perform that spring cleanup. To help prepare your lawn for a great start we have put together a simple step-by-step guide for the spring. Our experts at Elk Mound Seed can help advise on any of the steps to help get your lawn in the right direction.

Spring Cleanup Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Remove all debris from the yard (including leaves, dead grass, rocks, pet droppings, etc.).
  2. Level and repair any areas that have been damaged from snow removal or ice melt.
  3. Overseed in necessary areas that were winter killed or damaged.
  4. Fertilize and/or lime your lawn with recommended soil requirements from a Lawn & Garden soil test. This small investment will go a long way getting the proper nutrients to your soil.
    1. NOTE: Do not use our crabgrass preventer fertilizer (19-0-0) when overseeding. This will prevent any new seedlings from sprouting.
  5. Get that lawn mower ready:
    1. Tune up if necessary
    2. Check sharpness of lawn mower blades. Dull blades can damage and injure grass.
  6. Mowing your lawn for the first time. Allow your lawn to grow higher than normal mowing height.
    1. NOTE: Mowing your lawn on a higher setting helps grass outcompete weeds.
  7. Aerate your lawn (only late spring if this step was not done the previous fall - fall is ideal for aeration of lawn).

We hope these tips will help your lawn become envied throughout your neighborhood. As always, if we left any questions unanswered, please don’t hesitate to call us at 800-401-7333 or email us at sales@elkmoundseed.com.

by David Harden